Hello!! I don't know what to name this,honestly.

This is a list of things you can use to make things look better.. Older.. Whatever you want. I was supposed to make this a year ago for a friend.. But... I forgot to. Or not really forgot.. I just never got to it. xD

This is made by Keel, me, but I own nothing in this.. And I didn't make any. You should be able to find who made these on the links, and if not, I'll try to find who made them and put them in.. I don't remember all the websites I got them from though, cause why would I save those? :p There's no point in that..

Youtube 2012

Click me !!!!

From what I've seen/from me using this, the comments aren't readable/are glitched out. But who even reads Youtube comments?

Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, but you can do this/change the looks of things with Stylus. (Well, as long as you have Google..) Just download it, open the extension thing with the little puzzle piece up there, and make a new style. Then just copy and paste all the long code shit then enable it! Then now your websites can look like they're stuck in the early 2010s.

Google 2012

Here it is!

It won't affect the basic page.. Or whatever it's called. Like when you make a new tab and do nothing, yeah it won't affect that part. I don't think you can.. But it will change everything else related to Google (mainly, pretty sure.. I don't use other things that much.) like Gmail. The logo won't be changed though, I think that's another thing you can't really change.

Youtube 2015

Just in case your a little princess who can't handle some glitches.. LOL JK! But anyways, here it is: Here.

Old Deviantart

Some pages aren't affected, like some profiles. Mostly it is turned back to the old Deviantart though. - Here!

Skeuomorph Discord

This isn't old Discord.. Obviously.. But instead Skeuomorph. It doesn't REALLY make discord look older, just makes it Skeuomorph. Which well, I guess could make it look older.. A lot of old sites did that. BTW: Only works on the Discord app (not website) and if you have BetterDiscord. You can easily just download BetterDiscord (here) then all you have to do is install it, go to settings on the app, and go to themes. If you download Skeuocord, it should already be there, but if not, then just download the CSS, put it in that themes file then it should be there/you should be able to import. - Here's Skeuocord!

Roblox 2012

I'm pretty sure this only works well if you have BTRoblox. All you have to do is download BTRoblox, and it's all good. Anyways, here it is - Roblox!! Here it is....Click me!!